
Value of the product

What value does the actual product create?

  1. What does the project produce / sell? Is the project transparent about sales / income / revenue streams?
    1. Project provides a novel way to own a tangible and fungible asset. In this case it is Physical 9999 purity Gold.
  2. What is the perceived value of the project and how does it increase?
    1. Value lies in the advantages relative to traditional ownership of Gold.
      1. Greater transparency
      2. Greater liquidity
      3. Greater ability to ‘move’ across borders with assets
  3. Does it promise returns? How risky are they? Where do they come from (is more money required to achieve the returns)?
    1. Risk is ‘low’ in the sense that the project does not promise to increase the wealth of the holder. In many aspects, it behaves as a stable coin, but denominated in grams of gold vs units of fiat.
  4. What is the products unique selling proposition?

Evaluation: Each question should help get a good understanding of what is produced. The token is not the product so it is important to understand what the token should support.

Scoring: On a scale from 0 to 100, how valuable is the product, does it have a good market fit and will attract customers/users?Utility of the token

The product will increase in attractiveness as geopolitics and inflationary responses from governments come to the fore.

Utility of the Token

The product will increase in attractiveness as geopolitics and inflationary responses from governments come to the fore.

Why do people want to buy & hold the token?

  1. What are the utilities of the token (e.g. ROI, governance, collateral usage, status, access to service etc.)? List them all and rank them by how strong they will impact the demand for the token?
    1. Access to ownership of fungible international asset, in fractional form.
    2. Ability to take delivery from a wide number of locations globally.
    3. Scalability to increase the number of sellers/vaulters of Gold Bullion in the system, increasing strength of product’s network.
  2. Do the utilities encourage holding or spending the token (e.g. if the token is used as payment for a service that might indicate people use it a lot).
    1. Utility does not encourage spending.
  3. How is the utility connected to the value of the actual product?
    1. The better the utility in this case, the larger the increase in value. The utility IS the value.